Friday, December 20, 2019

To Find

As things normaly go: 
What is missed is searched, and what you find is a discovery. 
So when I find something familiar in an unfamiliar place (usually unexpected but profoundly in need) the question of "Why This; Why Now?" is answered in the discovery itself. 
Something like seeing the lesson in all things green in equal magnitude. 
Those days when I cant love myself- love finds me. When I can't find laughter, I'm suddenly surrounded by it. 
Or on the dreary side: a tidal wave of friends loosing friends isn't me wishing to deal cards with the devil. In grief there is a feeling of overwhelming hopelessness and sadness- in these seemingly historic lows of existence comes a flush of (wait for it) purpose and joy. 

I sound crazy; that's how you know it's true.

Just as being swept off your feet is a reminder to stay grounded while dreaming, a scrape and a bruise wakes you up from the present cirsumstances of a nightmare. 
How nice that neither scenario stains too deeply that it cannot be rinsed new.