Beautiful day marred by quite an annoying evening. There is nothing more painful than being reminded every chance given that "You have made mistakes and will continue to make them". With that said I'm gonna cock my head to the side and give a "Really Bro?". Yes this exactly was my night. Plenty arguments and me having to defend myself against someone who has shown how much they aren't in my corner over and over again. The toll this took on me was ( is) this mega frown that has now created a headache in all its frowningness.
The arrogance of anyone trying to limit you due to your past is sickening, however I feel like a fool for not reciprocating such malice. Am I fool? Am I THE fool? I sure feel like one today although I know the power and benefit of forgiveness. Today however, it ain't about that. I am just human, I hurt and feel hopelessness like any other man or woman. Man I dunno, I just need to make it through these classes.
Namaste or whatever.